Ann Krasner
World-renowned artist Ann Krasner is a Malibu-based artist who has had work displayed across the world. Her distinct style of extremely bright colors and vivid visual storytelling has been displayed in Russia, Spain, France, Switzerland, Sweden, England, and all across the United States.
Keti Shalamberidze
Focus on impressions, which I receive by environment perception in everyday life. Impressions gained from ligh, smell, color and sounds transforms into the space in which my works are being created - result of my imagination and fruit of the wish to produce art. From reality I extract those elements which compose character, concept and mood and create new dimension of existence for them.
Zakhar Sherman
Graduated In 1979 from an art faculty at the Moscow Pedagogical University, started to take part in exhibitions from 1971, Exhibited his work in 60 exhibits: in Russia, Europe , Israel and Canada.
Private Sale Hosted by : ACCA Beverly Hills |.
Renowned French Curator and Art Dealer Valérie-Anne Giscard d'Estaing